Which plugin do I use for the Mitel 3300 ICP PABX?

For settings please refer to topic : TNG and Mitel PABX

  • The latest version of the plugin in is:
    MitelCertified-20151016.rar (489.4 KB)
    password is “datatex”
    *PS: This file contains the Windows (.dll) and Linux (.so) plugins.

  • Older version:

Download and unrar. Upload the dll file: How to update a Plugin

INI file settings


COMBINEFORWARDRECORDS tries to combined call forwards and give you a single record for the incoming and out going call.

[version 2015.10.16 and up only]
NOINTERNAL tries to give a trunk value Y9999 if the call has a number in the phone number field and the trunk field is blank.


TNG and Mitel: all my calls cost at zero