How do I synchronize TNG data?


TNG version onwards has this feature.

To download for South-Africa refer to forum post:
See: TNG: Why is my 8TA calls costing at zero?


On the TNG Home page, select the ‘Synchronize Data’ option.

Select your date range, remember to check the time and click on the tick to save.

It will display the date time range after you selected it. Time is marked in red, ensure you selected a time range that includes the entire day.

tick the option or options your require, for example ‘extensions’

click on ‘Apply Changes’.

Depending on how much data must be updating it will take time to do so.

Once completed it will display the successfully updated message top left hand side in green.

Example of tng.log entries of a synchronize:

2012-06-07 16:34:46:321 [] - 1466 Data records synchronized
2012-06-07 16:34:45:962 [] - SynchronizeData: Entering date range now.
2012-06-07 16:34:45:956 [] - Synchronizing Extensions, PIN Users, Accounts, Trunks, Phonebook from 2012-01-06 00:00 to 2012-06-07 23:59

If you want to re-cost calls,
please see How do I recost calls in TNG?