How it works?
The Teams Recorder is a software application running in the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Client or Reseller can provide their own virtual machines within the Microsoft Azure Cloud Services environment.
For each Microsoft Teams tenant, a recording policy is setup that will automatically include the application in Teams meetings and calls for specific users. When a Teams meeting or call starts, Microsoft contacts the application and requests it to join the meeting or call. The application joins, and from then on, call details, meeting participants and audio are sent to the recording software application.
Audio with relevant call or meeting information is packaged and send it to iReCall or Amethyst for storage.
Note: Our Microsoft Teams recording solution includes recording of voice only, video is not included.
Azure server/s required:
The Microsoft Teams Recording Bot deployment will request the creation of multiple servers: D2V2 Azure VM servers (AZURE 1 D2V2 (2 vCPU(s), 8 GB RAM) x 730 Hours; Windows – (OS Only); 1 managed OS disks – P10; 100GB disk space) ~ Start with 1 server and add more servers if more than 50 users are going to be recorded.
Note: Above server specs exclude Amethyst server. Amethyst can be onsite - physical of virtual.