Jibe Configuration files

These are the settings for the survey.ini file for Jibe.

Answer Types for questions
0 = Rating 1 to 5 (digits 1 to 5) (1 = poor -> 5 = best)
Rating questions are used when you want the customer to evaluate something (e.g. Rate our service, or response time, or friendliness)

1 = Yes / No (digits 1 and 2) (1 = yes, 2 = no)
Yes/No questions are used when Yes is “good”, and No is “bad” (e.g. Would you use our service again?).

2 = Rating Poor to Good (digits 1 to 3) (1 = poor → 2 = average → 3 = good)

3 = Likelihood (digits 1 to 5) (1 = not likely -> 5 = highly likely)
Likelihood questions are used when you want the customer to indicate future decisions (e.g. How likely are you to recommend our service? How likely are you to make a purchase again?)

4 = No / Yes (digits 1 and 2) (1 = no, 2 = yes)
No/Yes questions are used when “No” is good, and “Yes” is bad (e.g. Was the agent rude?)

5 = Play file and exit the survey. (No input will be taken.)
This facility will play a file and then continue to the next question or exit the survey if it is the last question.
Use for Disclaimers or other info.

Score are calculated like this:
Rating 1 to 5
1 = 0 points; 2 = ¼ points; 3 = ½ points; 4 = ¾ points; 5 = full points

Yes / No
1 = full points; 2 = 0 points

Rating Poor to Good
1 = 0 points; 2 = ½ points; 3 = full points

1 = 0 points; 2 = ¼ points; 3 = ½ points; 4 = ¾ points; 5 = full points

No / Yes
1 = full points; 2 = 0 points

Values in-between are treated as 25%, 50%, and 75%, with scores that are fractional being rounded to the nearest 1 as Amethyst can’t store a fractional score.

Example points.
Rating of 1-5 using a total of 10 points → Point assignment will be 0,3,5,8,10 as per the options 1 through 5.
Rating of 1-5, total 100 points → 0, 25, 50, 75, 100

As with the AQM, for questions that have 5 options, the ideal number of points is a multiple of 4, since this avoids fractional scores.

Question Section
These are the questions that will be presented by Jibe.
The INI file section is numbered for the order the questions are presented.
Each question has a Answer Type, the File that will be played, the Text representing the question.



1=0|Q1|How would you rate the customer service 1 to 5
2=1|Q2|Are you happy with the vodaphone service 1 yes 2 for no
3=0|Q3|On a scale 1 to 5 how difficult or easy was it to get your query addressed by us 1 very difficult or 5 very easy
4=3|Q4|Based on your recent contact with us how likely are you are you to recommend voda phone to friends and family 1 to 5 ,1 not at all likely 5 highly 

Questions 1and 3 are based out of 5. Correct rating option to use is “0”
Question 2 is for scoring out of 2. Correct rating option to use is “1”
Question 4 is a likely hood question and would use the likelihood answer type “3”

These are the Templates that with the questions and the scores setup.
Each line is a template.
SEQ_NUMBER = The Template index number.
TEMPLATE_NAME = Name for the template.
Q1_NUMBER = The Question index number from the [QUESTION] section.
SCORE=The score that is assigned to the question.
FINAL_OPTION = The digit to press to get to the final extension.
DEST_EXT = Extension that the call will be transferred to if you press this digit.


Example set of sequences

1=Test for recording and Amethyst 2|1=5,2=5|0=3312

This is the phones and the sequence that each phone will use.


New Settings


These new settings will load every time a call starts per phone. This allows changes to the INI file to load automatically when the next call loads. No restart or reload required.


Old versions had this hard coded at 30 seconds.
This is the number of seconds to wait after the question has played to wait for DTMF tones. If this number of seconds has passed and no input was given, the recording is played again.

This is how many seconds the phone will wait for a confirmation tome that the client wants to leave a message.

Setting to 0, will disable the facility that requests the client to leave a message at the end of the survey.
Setting to 1 will play the “leavemessage.al” file and allow the client to leave a message at the end of the call.



This is the default value that JIBE will wait for the recording to be made for a message left at the end of the survey.