Installing AmtImporter

This service will accept the uploads from other datatex software.

Run the install script in /root/MyUpdates/amtimpoter folder and then run it again to upgrade.
The first run should extract all the required files and the second run of the files should just upgrade the service, if it is not already on the latest version.

mkdir -p /root/MyUpdates/amtimporter
cd /root/MyUpdates/
cd amtimporter
bash ./
bash ./


  • Check that the default ports for SSL connection and HTTP connection is set to 5334 and 5081.

vi /opt/datatex/amtimporter/amtimporter.ini

Some older sites used SSLPORT=5334 but the default should be 27443


AmtClient will connect to port 27443 to upload screenshots and notes.

  • Make sure this value is not set:


External Connections
If you are using the IRCExporter, you will have to perform the following step.

  • Connect to the DB and Set the AI_STATUS = 1 for the GUID of the correct IRCExporter.

Add the startup commands to the auto start script

vi /opt/datatex/bin/check_running_apps.local

This is the section to add.


Output Location
In the INI file you can see the location where the received files will be saved.


If you are using this with the Amt Remote server and require the received files to be uploaded to iReCall the location shoul dbe pointing to


Test that the connection is working
Run the script int he amtimporter folder and you should get a message like this:

<!doctype html><html><head><title>Please wait</title><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;URL="></head><body><script type="text/javascript">setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = ""; }, 2000);</script><a href="">Please click here if your browser does not redirect you within a few seconds</a></body></html>

Command to run: [curl -k]



  • This version no longer uses the Firebird DB.
  • INI files now control the allowed devices

Enabling devices on AmtImporter for upload


1=DEVICE_STATUS_OKAY - allowed to upload (default for first ircexporter, default for amtclients)
2=DEVICE_STATUS_PERMANENTLY_BLOCKED - will never be allowed to upload
3=DEVICE_STATUS_TEMPORARILY_BLOCKED - no uploads for now (default for new ircexporter, except for first one)
  1. The GUID will indicate the software that connected.
  2. The =1 means that the client software is allowed to connect with this status: DEVICE_STATUS_OKAY
  3. If you want to disable a client set the value to one of the other STATUS values.
C4FD23F5-511A-EE11-9E4F-001636773BF0=1|2023-07-04 12:10:08|DATATEX|DATATEX||ircexporter|

After the configuration remove FTP

apt-get remove pure-ftp

Change Amtsorter.ini

In the case where you still have certain recording of files that still need to go through via the amtsorter/incoming folder , you can use the following commands to create a symbolic link:

cd /opt/datatex/amtimporter/
mv output output-live
ln -s /opt/datatex/amtsorter/incoming /opt/datatex/amtimporter/output

This will create a shortcut to the amtsorter incoming location to process files via the amtimporter.