How do I register TNG or newer?

Required for Registration:

The Client’s TNG PC must have internet access:
1.) to be able to connect to ‘’ and
2.) TCP outgoing port 80 must be allowed.
NOTE: You only need to connect once to register.

NOTE: You can renew your TNG subscription even if you are not registered. It is optional, unless you use TNGLive Premium(stay online to check for monthly payment) or for TNG for Asterisk (once-off connection to permanently activate it, else it runs in TNGLive Free mode).


On the TNG Home page click on the icon ‘Register TNG’.

Registration and activation:

NOTE: It will display top right-hand side ‘Not Registered’. If in this status your TNG will still work as per normal and load calls, etc.

Enter the required information and click on the ‘Register’ button.

While TNG is trying to connecting to register, it will display ‘Checking’ where ‘Not Registered’ was displayed. If it still shows checking after 10 seconds, we suggest checking the TNG logs to see why it is taking so long:

When you try and connect to the server and you don’t have internet access

2012-04-13 10:49:20:948 [] - Activation server checkin starting (forced)
2012-04-13 10:49:41:964 [] - Error connecting to activation server: Connection timed out
2012-04-13 10:49:41:980 [] - Activation server checkin completed

If the connection is blocked:

2012-04-13 10:59:18:085 [] - Activation server checkin starting (forced)
2012-04-13 10:59:19:085 [] - Error connecting to activation server: Connection refused
2012-04-13 10:59:19:085 [] - Activation server checkin completed

If it was successful:

2012-04-13 10:59:59:102 [] - Activation server checkin starting (forced)
2012-04-13 10:59:59:242 [] - Response from activation server "upload|inifile|"
2012-04-13 10:59:59:524 [] - Response from activation server "disconnect|796|REGISTERED|||"
2012-04-13 10:59:59:539 [] - HandleDisconnect: active - last activation okay
2012-04-13 10:59:59:649 [] - Activation server checkin completed

NOTE: if you leave the ‘TNG Registration and Activation’ page and return later, it will show the updated status.

Your TNG is now registered, you can disconnect from the internet.


NOTE: If the buffer is not detected it will go into TNGLive Free mode. It will still update live, but you will have limited features. For example you can only pull reports for the last 35 days and no rawdata will be logged. Once the buffer is detected, all features will be available.