Extra Codec information on recordings

The AmtMitelCRE and the VOIP Sweeper (version extract information from the recordings while processing them and it is added to the database with the recording information.

Here is an example of the output as seen on the Amethyst Supervisor Screen.

Extra information
    Signal codecs   
    RTP codecs   G.729, Unknown codec (13)
    Mixed codecs   False
    Total packets   29,357
    Lost packets   0
    Delayed packets   222

The RTP Codecs lists all the codecs that were used during this recording. We have found cases where the agent’s side and client side, are using 2 different codecs. E.g. the system has a licensed G.729 processor and the licenses has been exceeded. The fall back codec is the used on the PBX side. The recording is still made an properly mixed. This is useful in tracking when bandwidth heavy codecs were used over remote links.
If an Unknown codec is listed, and the recording sounds incorrect, please report this to Datatex Support.
Unknown Codec (13) can occur if comfort noise is being injected by the PBX. This can usually be ignored.

Mixed Code will be true if more than one codec was detected on this recording.

Total Packet lists the number of valid packets that were supposed to be received. Since this packets are numbered with sequence numbers, it is possible to also report missing and delayed packets.

Lost Packets are calculated by checking for missing sequence numbers and usually indicates a network problem that caused the packets not to arrive at the recording interface. This is usually also an indication that there is some network issue that could cause issues with the quality of the phone calls. Large percentage of packet loss will be audible on the phone calls and the recordings.

Delayed Packets are reported when packets are received out of sequence. If there is no packet loss, this will not be audible on the recordings since the packets are sorted into the correct order before processing. On the live call though, you may have stuttering or silents during parts of the calls. This is usually an indication of some network issue that will cause speech quality loss.