CLI Rules for Datatex Software

The CLI Rules are used to to manipulate the call data of call recordings or TMS data.
Applicaitons that has this facility:

  • tngbuffer
  • amtmitel
  • crecallinfo
  • amtmitelcre
  • amtmitelcre2
  • siprecord
  • voipsweeper

CLI rules consist of the following parts and delimited by a PIPE character ( “|” )

  1. Field to check
  2. Type of match
  3. Value1 to look for
  4. Action
  5. Value2
  6. Stop
  7. Direction
  1. Field to check - This field to be matched. The rule can only have one field to check. Values are:
    EXTENSION - match on extension
    NUMBER - match on number
    TRUNK - match on trunk

  2. Type of match - How the rule will find the records to change
    STARTS WITH - match if the field starts with value1
    ENDS WITH - match if the field ends with value1
    CONTAINS - match if the field contains value1
    DOES NOT CONTAIN - match if the field does not contain value1
    ALWAYS MATCH - rules with this type of match execute for every record
    LENGTH GREATER THAN - if the field length is greater than value1 - value1 is a number in the range 0 to 255. If the field contains multiple values, each will trigger this rule.
    LENGTH LESS THAN - if the field length is less than value1 - value1 is a number in the range 0 to 255
    LLT - short for LENGTH LESS THAN

  3. Value1 to look for - what is matched or not matched or the length, depending on the type of match

  4. Action what to do when the Value1 Matches
    IGNORE - makes no modifications - you can use ignore with action “STOP” set to “TRUE” to do nothing and stop other rules from processing.
    REPLACE WITH - replaces the matched value with value2.
    REPLACEALL - replaces all occurrences of value1 with value2, usually used with match “CONTAINS” or “ALWAYS MATCH”
    REPLACEFIELD - replaces the entire field with value2.
    DELETE - removes the matched value (value2 is not used).
    DELETECOUNT - deletes x number of characters starting at the matched position. value2 is the number x.
    DELETEALL - clears the entire field (value2 is not used) - same as REPLACEFIELD with nothing in value2.
    DELETEBEFORE - deletes x characters before the match. Value2 is the number x. x can be larger than the number of characters before the match. For example, a rule to delete 8 characters before the hash from “01234#0215924033” would delete only the first 5 before the hash. Note that the # would be left in the field. DELETECOUNT is the corresponding DELETEAFTER action – use “DELETECOUNT” and not “DELETEAFTER”.
    ADD TO START - adds value2 in front of the field. Note that the matched position does not matter.
    ADD TO END - adds value2 after the field. Note that the matched position does not matter.
    DELETERECORD - instructs the software to delete this record. Usually the software will log this.
    REJECT - instructs the software to reject this record. Usually the software will log this.
    PREFIX - same as ADD TO START, but the value prefixed can be from a lookup table if value2 = “”. Value1 will be used as the key to the lookup, and the result from the lookup will be prefixed to the field.

  5. Value2 - what to use as replacement / add / count / prefix / suffix.

  6. Stop - If TRUE, when this rule matches, the rules after this will not process. Values can be:
    TRUE → Stop processing rules here.
    FALSE → Continue processing rules.

  7. Direction - will only match records that have the matching direction. Values can be:


If the extension started with “27319293700” , replace those digits with “0319293700”. Stop processing rules here if this rules triggers.

If the Extenions starts with “319293700” replace those digits with “0319293700”. Do not process any further rules if this rule triggers.

2=Number|starts with|00|REPLACE|0|False|OUTGOING|

3=Extension|length less than|3|reject||False|ANY|

4=Extension|length greater than|5|reject||False|ANY|

5=Extension|starts with|*|reject||False|ANY|

6=Extension|starts with|0|reject||False|ANY|